Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter 2008

Happy Easter!

My Handsome boys.

Still very cold out but at least the sun is shining!

My beautiful family.
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Getting Ready for our Easter Egg Hunt

Having fun coloring Easter eggs.

Our happy boys


This seemed to be the first year Cameron and Tyler were able to enjoy and paint eggs on thier own. They really enjoyed putting the coloring tablets in the vinegar and watching it sizzle and dissolve. Once they saw the pretty colors they couldn't wait to start dipping they eggs. I must say it went pretty well. Cameron and Tyler shared and took turns and did "team work" it was great. I love it when projects turn out. :-)
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Rub a dub dub 3 kids in a tub. We currently have a tub in our living room. It's part of the remodeling to our bathroom before we leave to California. I just hope I'll be able to get a nice soak in it before we leave.

Here is chubby cheeks Mikaela at 10 months. She looks happy doesn't she.
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Cameron got off the bus yesterday and the first thing out of his mouth was "I GOT A LOOSE TOOTH!" Needless to say the whole time he was home, he kept telling us how "much looser" it was. Even after bed time, he woke up to tell me "my tooth is more loose". Funny thing was he let me wiggle it with my finger and it barely moved. I tried to convince him to eat an apple but he refused. Darn smart kid.
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Geesh, I look tired!

Mikaela not exactly sure what to do withthe fudge pop.

My happy helper.
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March of the Penguins

Camerons kindergarten class studied polar bears and penguins one week. Later the kids got to pick what they wanted to be. Guess what Cameron choose. He was excited to be a penguin. He said most everyone else choose the polar bear but he got tobe a penguin.
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The Kiddos

WOW! I didn't realize I was sooooooo behind in my blogging. I didn't even post Christmas pictures. Here is a recent picture of the kiddos. They are awesome!
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