Saturday, August 16, 2008

Little known facts about me.

My friend Tiffany tagged me:

Three Joys
1. My Family and friends
2. Blue Skies and sunshine
3. Fancy desserts

Three Fears
1. child predators
2. my life flashing before my eyes
3. death of a loved one

Three Goals
1. have more patience with my children
2. becoming a black belt
3. instead of a fancy vacation, I want to do a humanitarian vacation withmy family.

Three Current Obsessions/collections
1. cleaning
2. gardening
3. being frugal

Three Random Surprising Facts about ME!
1. I don't know what my talent in life is, (except piss people off).
2. I want to go back to school for business or dentistry.
3.I've always wanted to learn how to play base guitar and rock out with Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Now I tag.....everyone who reads my blog!!!

Summer fun

Cameron was brave enough to ride his bike again. We live on a slope and our driveway has a small grade to it. It didn't take long for him to get his confidence back.

Tyler is my daredevil. He'll go down the driveway without flinching. I have to close my eyes sometimes because I'm afraid he's going to hit a pebble and crash. Dad says I worry too much.

I guess Mikaela was thirsty. Mikaela and I were sitting on the edge by a leaky sprinkler watching Dad, Cameron and Tyler go down the driveway. She saw the sprinkler and began to play with it and splash. A few momnets later she's taking a sip. Don't worry I only let her take a few sips before I stopped her. Chris has since fixed the leaky sprinkler, we can't waste water here in California!
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Lipstick Jungle

This never happened with my 2 boys. My lipsticks never had to suffer the wrath of little fingers poking at it and turning them into complete mush. This is the work of our daughter Mikaela. She has somehow managed to ruin all but one of my lipsticks on different occasions. Once in church, during sacrament, a couple time when I carelessly left my purse within reach and the last one was when I was putting on my makeup. I guess she wanted to be like mom and put lipstick on her lips...and clothes...and floor...and a little bit in her hair and randomly on her face. I wish I had a picture of her face. I'm sure it will happen again, she's a sneeky little girl.
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