Monday, December 24, 2007

We went to Skaneateles, Ny to the Dickens Festival. It was great to see Scrooge and all the other characters walking around town, Unfortunately it got cold really quick. However, Cameron and I (mom) went to the Chamber of Commerce and rented costumes to keep us warm. Cameron looked like Tiny tim.

Tyler was so excited to see Santa. Tyler asked Santa for a Jack In the Box and Santa let out a big laugh and said the elves LOVE making jack in the boxes! Tyler had the most beautiful smile.
Cameron asked for a transformer by the name of SCORPONOKS. He was pretty happy when Santa knew it was a transformer. Santa teased both of the boys for a minute making sure they had been good this year. He asked the boys if they helped with the dishes, cleaned their rooms, and changed the oil in the cars. Cameron just kept nodding, say yes, uuha, and yup. It made Chris and I laugh. It was really cute.

Here we are, December 2007
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