Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mikaela's Hair

Mikaela is only 4 months old and she has HAIR. She was born with a lot of hair and I used to style it in a mohawk. It's a little to long for a mohawk now so we are trying pig tails.

People always comment on how much hair she has, and NO I didn't have terrible heartburn (well maybe just the first trimester).

This picture is to show you my first attempt of styling my baby girls hair. I know why I was a beauty school drop out. Hee hee. She has been a treat to have in our family. She is always happy and has plenty of smiles to make you heart melt. We all love her so much.

1 comment:

Amy said...

You should see the arsenal of hair products I have for Cambria's hair. You need a water bottle and some KY jelly to use for styling gel (it has no alcohol in it.) Get her used to having her hair styled now or you will have quite a fight on your hands the older she gets!
Good Luck!