Monday, December 24, 2007

Feeding the Reindeer

Cameron made reindeer food at school and was given specific directions to sprinkle it before you went to bed on Christmas eve. It's so cute the things they do at is school. It's was of the nice things about being in a small town, it doesn't worry much about being politically correct. The school celebrated "Holloween" and they celebrate "Christmas", "Santa" and all the wonderful things about this season.

Here they are sprinkling the food. Our snow melted away on the 23rd, :-(
Our county had a flood warning because it melted so quickly. Our drainage was full and flowing fast. If it would have been summer the boys would have been swimming in it.

Magic Reindeer Food
Sprinkle on the lawn at night.
The Moon will make it sparkle bright!
When Santa's reindeer fly and roam,
This will help them find your home.

Merry Christmas everyone!
December 2007
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1 comment:

Amy said...

Are you sure you want to leave your small town? Sounds like fun not being politically correct! Happy late birthday to Chris and love the Santa story. We are here in Cali this week and Tiffany was telling me how Cameron doesn't have a recess. at all. I thought maybe it was because of the snow or something but that is really sad that kids don't get to play outside anymore. Does he do well with the long days and no recess?