Thursday, December 6, 2007

First Big Snow!

Right on time, December 1st, it snowed. This was a few days later when it really snowed. They cancelled church on Sunday and cancelled school on Monday. Cameron, and Tyler had fun playing in the snow. Mikaela and I stayed inside where it was cozy. It was fun to watch the kids having fun. I think I'll pass on the snow. Just the thought of having a snowball hit the back of your neck and quickly slide down the back of your neck is enough to keep me away from the powdery stuff.
Obviously the kids didn't mind. Our neighbor was using his snow blower to clear his driveway and his girls and my Cameron liked having the snow blown on them. Like I mentioned before, NO Thanks!
Here is Tyler, my peanut, in the snow. He was tired after a couple of hours of hard play in the snow. He had a grin from cheek to cheek. Daddy pulled him on the sled behind the 4 wheeler. Tyler could have done that for hours. He was so happy.
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Tim and Laurel said...

So cute! I can't believe how big your kids are getting! The snow makes me miss Idaho (a little) but at the moment I am enjoying weather in the 60s!
Love ya!

Amy said...

wow, all of a sudden I missed three posts! Hello snow! I think I would only enjoy that for about 15 minutes. I really hate being cold but I bet my kids would have been right along side yours! I cannot believe Mikaela's hair. It is so long. Its going to be down to her bum by the time she turns one! Hurry back to Cali, then find me and Kai a housing deal like you have so we can be buddies again!